This is how it should work, and many women do get pregnant within 8 to 10 months of their last Depo-Provera shot. It contains a high dose of progestin, a synthetic form of progesterone. I had my period on January 12th,
On the 14th of February, I had sex with my boyfriend. When you stop taking the shot, it may take several weeks to several months to have a regular period again. It's possible that your cycle just hasn't returned to normal yet.
See also:
Isosorbide mononitrate
I've been on the depo for a year and one month. Javascript software libraries such as jQuery are loaded at endpoints on the googleapis. You have other risk factors or signs of a possible fertility problem. How long after did it take for your cycles to return to normal?
It is taken via injection and provides three months of reliable birth control. Can I fall pregnant? In the article I give a list of ways to try to become pregnant after the shot. Is it normal to bleed after getting off Depo Provera shots?
Can I be pregnant? It could be a number of
After ovulation your BBT should rise slightly and remain elevated until the end of your cycle. Then I decided to do so.
It could happen immediately, or could happen after a few months. The detox diet helps to flush the synthetic progesterone from the liver and may help with purchase cialis uk pregnant. I don't know how many months pregnant I am.