I had a similar problem on a non wp site and lost all PR for the homepage. All the spam pages are dynamic and created based on the response of 95cdn.
For whatever reason, when Mobify picked up this content, that weird string of characters wasn't converted and thus the div was visible not hidden. What are some blogging with WordPress hacks? How can I remove someone else's wordpress blog post? The site was attacked and a lot of files were uploaded to maintain access and to inject SEO search showing viagra on drupal site.
OK, perhaps I need to come up with a couple more reasons…. Keith McLaughlin. It also gets rid of some malicious code in the database. So glad you were able to recover and batten down the hatches!
See also:
Hey Damien, you are completely right! This is also job for Perfect Dashboard.
June 30, 4: I'm not whining, it just goes to show that site security is not some abstract nerdy hobby, it's serious business that can have serious consequences. Thanks again for this guide and writing this post.
I changed the FTP login and password. After clearing all the malwares from the website, it is important to ensure the website is secure and all known vulnerabilities and anomalies are patched. Time is of the essence at this point, because not only do I not want my visitors seeing nasty spam, I don't want Google bot to cruise through and see search showing viagra on drupal site mess and hurt my SEO. On my Drupal sites, my template files were hacked.
John Bloomfield. I was just wondering, as of a month later, what the status is. And I know what you mean by being worried about posting too much.
ICE-unix the path is relative, but it translates to this. Prevent future attacks with a Website Firewall 1.
If you notice pages with the Japanese characters in the title or description, it is likely that your website is infected. In case your website is hacked, to search showing viagra on drupal site out the level of infection on your website you can do a Google search as shown below as the website will look normal for the visitors.
Then I saved a new copy of it and created a new database on the server hence the change in DB name. Current Website. It's been a week now, and no more problems.
Make sure the computer you do this on is hack free and not capturing new passwords. This happened to one of mine once.
Time to check if we missed anything in the code. This Wordpress hack creates webpages on your domain with content about viagra, cialis and other pharmaceutical products.